Entries by K@RTAJENa-4

10 Do-It-Yourself Landscaping Tips

10 Do-It-Yourself Landscaping Tips 01of 10 Year-Round Interest   Here’s a can’t-miss tip for beautifying your yard: make sure you’re providing something of interest in each of the four seasons. Do-it-yourself landscaping for four-season interest begins with a well-researched plant-selection plan. The goal is to have flowering trees and/or shrubs throughout spring and summer, fall foliage in autumn, […]

10 Landscaping Secrets

Smart landscaping can add interest to your lawn and boost your curb appeal. But you don’t need to break the bank to make a big impression. Use these professional tips to add color, texture, functionality, and points of interest to your landscape. 1Plan for Year-Round Appeal Evergreen shrubs retain their leaves or needles all year […]